Our Projects

Our windows and doors projects are as varied as our customers needs. Our years of experience enable Unique Windows to tackle new projects with confidence and creativity. We’ve even created amazing office spaces!

Renovation for Indoor-outdoor living

    what the owner says.

    The Need

    Outdated windows and door are not inline with the owners’ lifestyle.

    The Scope

    Replace the longe window and doo and the kitchen window to give seamless access to the undercover entertaining area.

    The Solution

    Use a full width bi-fold door (product????) and bi-fold servery window (product???)

    The timeline


    Time on site

    New Contemporary Home

      The Need

      The architect has designed a very energy efficient home for a large environment-conscious active family. Heat insulation is paramount as well as making the best use of natural light.

      The Scope

      how many windows, doors, security…. 

      Meeting the scheduling needs of the builder. Being a seamless part of the team

      The Solution

      Custom design with which products

      The timeline


      Time on site

      what the owner and/or builder says.

      Rejuvenate a 1960’s apartment building

        what the owner says.

        The Need

        Outdated windows and door are not inline with the owners’ lifestyle.

        The Scope

        Replace the longe window and doo and the kitchen window to give seamless access to the undercover entertaining area.

        The Solution

        Use a full width bi-fold door (product????) and bi-fold servery window (product???)

        The timeline


        Time on site

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